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Food for the Poor Godspy.com: Faith at the Edge


The Editors | 10.27.08


On The Road Through Nothingness

Harold Fickett, Slate [Read the Article]

It’s rare to see a positive story about the Catholic Church in the mainstream media, especially in newer online-only publications like Slate, but Harold Fickett, a Godspy contributing editor, managed to publish an essay there recently about the Clear Creek Monastery, a new and growing contemplative Benedictine monastery in Kansas, and the wider story of how Catholic religious communities are attracting young people. It could be that the critical success of the three-hour documentary, Into Great Silence, which had a long run at Manhattan’s Film Forum in 2007, left an impression on the editors. The appeal of that movie is captured in Harold’s ending: “From its rich liturgical rites to the pastoral details of its life as a working farm, as the monks raise sheep, make furniture, tend their orchard, and care for a huge vegetable garden, Clear Creek is what a monastery is meant to be—a sign of paradise. Father Anderson says, ‘We were only a bunch of bums, but by becoming nothing, you can be a part of something great.’"

On The Road Through Nothingness

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TOPICS:    clear creek | monasteries | monks

By Caffeine Patrol AT 11.02.08 03:15AM

Caffeine Patrol

Thanks for the heads-up about the article on Slate. I believe, however, that Clear Creek Abbey is in Oklahoma (my brother is the priest at a nearby parish). The roots of the abbey go back to the University of Kansas.

By TonyC AT 02.08.09 05:14AM


Much has been written about how monasticism preserved academic knowledge and the integrity of Western culture through the Middle Ages. I have been feeling for some time that we are seeing the twilight of a Western culture. The present time is often referred to as the post-Christian era.  Christian faith is no longer animating culture on a widespread level.  And yet, communities like these are growing. The Holy Spirit is raising them up to radiate what it means to be Christian to a spiritually starved secularized culture. If we emerge renewed from this dark age, it may be through the influence of small Christian communities and their witness of a simple Christian life.  Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more, for the light has shone in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

By star AT 03.04.09 05:06AM


What makes these great men leave everything in the world behind, to choose to live a secluded life in simplicity and poverty? It’s the intangible joy and beauty of following Jesus Christ, the joy that increases as they journey through the road of nothingness! ” I must decrease, God must increase. ” After having found the ” Pearl of Great Price, ” these holy men, like the disciples of Jesus, have left their nets behind, as they responded to His call,  ” Come, follow Me…” Blessed are the chosen ones of God! God bless!


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