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Food for the Poor Godspy.com: Faith at the Edge


The Editors | 02.13.08


Dark Star: Why Amy Winehouse is not just a celebrity train wreck

Jody Rosen, Slate [Read the Review]

Dark Star: Why Amy Winehouse is not just a celebrity train wreck
“…she's a romantic poet of the train wreck… Amy Winehouse is a genuinely troubled soul; the songs on Back to Black chronicle her tumultuous relationship with Fielder-Civil, and ‘Rehab’ is reportedly something close to reportage, a more or less autobiographical account of her record company's efforts to get her into alcohol-addiction treatment back in 2005. But one wonders if Winehouse would have turned into quite such a mess had it not proved so fruitful for her music… If indeed Sunday night's Grammy triumph is the start of true comeback, this talented singer-songwriter may find herself facing something of an existential career crisis...
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TOPICS:    amy winehouse | grammys | singers


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