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Food for the Poor Godspy.com: Faith at the Edge


The Editors | 03.03.08


Hating Hillary: Getting to the bottom of a cultural trend that has seeped into the church

Christianity Today [Read the Article]

“…when vigorous political discourse turns into bashing of public figures, it perpetuates a great lie: that they are merely the ideologies and symbols attached to them. When a candidate's ideology is mistaken for his or her personhood, it masks a crucial truth: that each person, no matter their political views, bears God's image and matters deeply to him. While pundits see candidates as punching bags, evangelicals are supposed to see candidates as, well, people. As we ponder how candidates are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made,’ we may haltingly come to realize that the most bold and courageous thing we each could do this election season, no matter who we vote for, is this: Love Hillary.”

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TOPICS:    hate | hillary clinton

By peterwilson1 AT 03.05.08 02:39AM


True…in a sappy kind of way.  Hillary Clinton is the nemesis of the Christian community.  As such we are commanded to love her as our enemy.  We are not commanded to respect her ideological secularism and constant efforts to prop up the abortion industry.  She is not in the least qualified for the Presidency and, in fact, hungers for such power beyond a healthy desire to do good in the public square.  She is an advocate for a more socialist America and must be decisively defeated.


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